Equipping a company with various types of specialised equipment very often involves a large financial outlay. At Alior Leasing, we can offer you a favourable leasing loan for equipment used in sectors including: construction, manufacturing, food or medical. Finance your company’s equipment with Alior Leasing.

How do I get a loan for machinery and equipment
at Alior Leasing?

A machinery and equipment leasing loan is a solution for financing the specialised equipment needed for your business. Printing machine, woodworking, catering equipment – all this is within reach, without unnecessary formalities.

Who can be a borrower and what do we finance
at Alior Leasing?

Any entrepreneur can be a borrower, we also finance start-ups. At Alior Leasing, we finance new and used machinery and equipment (including specialised equipment) from many domestic and foreign manufacturers.
What are the advantages of the leasing
loan for machines and equipment at Alior Leasing?

rapid financing decision
simple procedures
no unnecessary formalities
low own contribution
flexibility as to the financing period,
own contribution
attractive financing costs
compared to a bank credit
the possibility to repay the loan at any time
during the contract period